
For groups up to 50 players

We bring the games to you.

Whether you are looking for something light hearted to get people talking and having fun, or something more strategic to help you understand how you work as a team - we have the games to help you!

ice breaker

Ice Breakers

Light hearted games that are designed to get people introduced, moving and meeting each other.

Less than 1 hour

games night

Games Night

A competitive event with a selection of intriguing strategic games that get a group out of themselves and having fun in a whole new way.

1 - 2 hours

Strategic Games

Team Assessment

Have fun and learn how well you communicate and collaborate together. A series of games with analytical reports on the results to help understand and improve team performance.

2+ hours

If you have different requirements or more than 50 people at your event just contact us and we will find you a solution!